helping human trafficking survivors and those at risk on the way to freedom.

Free Bird Initiative exists to provide practical care and life skills support for survivors of human trafficking and those at risk to show them they are seen and loved.

about us

Providing practical care and life skills.

Free Bird Initiative helps human trafficking survivors and those at risk find employment, get to appointments, find appropriate medical and mental health care, and develop the life skills that will continue to help them stay safe and free. Free Bird Initiative specializes in helping survivors who have been through inpatient rescue programs take the next steps toward a safe and stable life outside, all while working to show and share the love of Jesus along the way.

Trauma varies for each person and can affect any aspect of their life: daily functioning, emotional wellbeing, relationships, self-image, goal setting and follow through, mental health and physical health. Free Bird Initiative will meet survivors where they are, taking time to listen and explore the support they need as they move toward healing. It could be as simple as helping them buy groceries if they are struggling or as complex as finding them a new living situation if they don’t feel safe where they are at. By giving to the Free Bird Initiative, you are helping survivors know that they are loved, cared for and supported. They may be rescued, but you are helping them become free!

Founder / Director

Shannon Sloan

Free Bird Initiative was created because of a deep love for trafficking survivors that God put in the heart of Shannon Sloan. Shannon has experience working with survivors starting from age 3 years old and up in The Philippines, Nepal and The United States. Through her experience, she has learned that every survivor has different needs during their healing journey that can keep them trapped in a cycle of shame, fear or dependence in unhealthy situations.

Free Bird Initiative was named in honor of these bible verses:

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?” Matthew 6:26 NLT

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” John 8:36 NIV

Two communities, 1 mission.

metro Detroit

Free Bird Initiative works together with multiple agencies serving survivors to aid their clients in taking the next steps, as well as serving those at risk in a direct capacity.


Free Bird Initiative partners with Our Daughters International in Nepal to directly support survivors in job training and skill development as they journey toward healing.

make a difference

Give now to help the journey to freedom.

Free Bird Initiative regularly helps survivors and those at risk with expenses related to childcare, health, job training, English language learning, and transportation. While those we serve are taking the steps toward stable housing and employment, Free Bird Initiative is able to offer support for the key costs that are critical to ensuring a new life. Join with us as a monthly partner to help in these key areas!


$25 / month helps us provide one language tutoring session to one survivor in metro Detroit.


$50 / month helps us provide one week of transportation for one survivor in Metro Detroit.

Child Care

$100 / month gives one week of supplemental child care for survivors in metro Detroit who are working and need additional childcare beyond what comes from social assistance.

Job Skills

$400 / month gives one month of income to survivors in Nepal who are learning job skills that can stay with them for a lifetime and provide regular income for the long-term.

the network

Our Partners

Free Bird Initiative is part of a robust group of non-profit and for-profit partners that enable us to do the work we do.

Give now

Be a part of the journey to freedom.

Make a gift today and become part of a local team of committed partners to ensure that survivors and those at-risk have advocates, care, and access to what they need to get safe, stable, and learn the love of Jesus in the process. 

Free Bird Initiative partners with Abide Ministries in Detroit, Michigan to process all donations and for financial accountability. All online gifts are made through our secure partner Donorbox. If you want to give by check, please use the following information:

Abide Ministries
Memo: Free Bird Initiative
PO Box 101
Clawson, MI 48017

Join our Team!

Want to learn more about what we do? Interested in getting involved or becoming a regular donor? Tell us about yourself and we’ll schedule time to share more about us with you!